Wednesday 18 September 2013



a. Body language, is one of the most powerful ways that humans can communicate nonverbally. It is used to portray moods and emotions and to emphasize or contradict what is being said.

b. When people use spoken languages to communicate, they do not just listen to what is said in order to understand the message. They also look at the person who is speaking to see what their body is doing, and to understand their full message.

c. Studies have been done that show us the percentage of understanding that is gained from the spoken word is considerably less than the meaning that people gain from listening to a person's tone of voice and looking at their non-verbal communication.
d. To effectively communicate it’s not always what you say, but what your body says, that makes the difference.
e. People decide within seconds of meeting you whether you are confident, friendly, or nervous. And they make a subconscious decision whether to trust you and believe you within minutes of meeting you. Those subconscious decisions are made mostly on the basis of body language and tone of your voice.
f. Let’s say you give a friend a present and they say that they loved it. Yet, you notice that their facial expressions twist and their tone of voice quiver. Would you believe them? Of course not. Just like you can pick up on the body language of others, others can pick up on yours.
 (to be continued...)

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