Thursday 28 December 2023

Celebrating Success: Living Conversations

Their mission was to connect with people from diverse walks of life, engage in meaningful discussions, and gain invaluable life lessons.

Celebrating Success: Living Conversations

This exemplifies the essence of education – pushing boundaries, breaking barriers, and exploring beyond one’s comfort zone. We are proud of our students for embracing this challenge and thriving in the world that exists beyond classroom walls.

From CEOs to start-up founders, politicians to national-level sports icons, army professionals to police personnel, international influencers to musical artists, content creators to working professionals, renowned scientists to academic experts – our students left no stone unturned in establishing connections and broadening their horizons.

Excited to share the success of our life skills course, 'Living Conversations'! This transformative journey has empowered our students to enhance their communication skills, improve interpersonal communication, and build unshakeable self-confidence.

During this journey, they went beyond the confines of the classroom and embarked on team projects that involved engaging with a wide range of individuals. Their mission was to connect with people from diverse walks of life, engage in meaningful discussions, and gain invaluable life lessons.

This exemplifies the essence of education – pushing boundaries, breaking barriers, and exploring beyond one’s comfort zone. We are proud of our students for embracing this challenge and thriving in the world that exists beyond classroom walls.

We are glad to share that our students not only met but exceeded our expectations. Kudos to you for your outstanding team projects! Your efforts have set the bar high, proving that education extends far beyond textbooks.

Here's to the limitless potential that lies within each of you!


Wednesday 22 November 2023

Unlocking Your Learning Potential

Unlocking Your Learning Potential

Unlock your learning potential and become a more effective learner with the help of these actionable items (derived from Lila Landowski's most popular TED Talk, "Brain Hack: 6 secrets to learning faster, backed by neuroscience"),

➤ Understand that your brain can change and adapt throughout your life. 

➤ Engage in activities and learning experiences that challenge your brain and form new connections. 

➤ Recognize that the earlier you start learning a new skill or subject, the more effectively you can learn and develop expertise. 

➤ Stay alert by engaging your body's fight-or-flight response, which can be achieved through exercise, certain breathing techniques, and short bursts of stress. 

➤ Prioritize sleep for memory consolidation, allowing short-term memories to become long-term memories. 

➤ Avoid all-nighters and ensure you get sufficient rest before and after studying.

➤ Repeat the information or skills you are trying to learn as many times as possible during your learning sessions. 

➤ Use the spacing technique to space out your learning over multiple days. After learning, take a 10- to 20-minute break to allow your brain to replay and consolidate information. 

➤ Don't wait for perfection; challenge yourself and make mistakes during the learning process. 

➤ Understand that the anxiety and stress associated with mistakes can enhance your learning and motivation. 

➤ Approach learning as a game where you can gain rewards from both mistakes and correct answers.


Saturday 28 October 2023

Topmost Do's and Don'ts in a Group Discussion

Topmost Do's and Don'ts 
in a Group Discussion

By following these dos and don'ts, students can improve their performance in group discussions and increase their chances of success during campus placements. 

Group discussions (GDs) are a common part of the campus placement process. Here are some important dos and don'ts to help students crack a group discussion:

Understand the Topic:
Before the GD, make sure you understand the topic clearly. If there's any ambiguity, ask the moderator for clarification. 

Research and Prepare: If you know the topics in advance, research and prepare some key points to discuss. Having relevant data and examples can be a significant advantage. 

Listen Actively: Pay attention to what others are saying. Active listening not only helps you understand the discussion better but also shows respect for others' opinions. 

Initiate the Discussion: Don't wait for others to start. If you have a good point to make, start the discussion confidently but politely. 

Maintain Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with other participants. It conveys confidence and engagement. 

Speak Clearly and Confidently: Ensure your voice is clear, and you speak confidently. Avoid mumbling or speaking too softly. 

Respect Others: Be respectful and polite, even if you disagree with someone. Avoid interrupting or dominating the discussion. 

Structure Your Arguments: Organize your thoughts logically and present your arguments coherently. Use a clear and concise language. 

Use Examples: Back up your points with relevant examples or personal experiences. This can make your arguments more persuasive. 

Time Management: Keep an eye on the time. If the discussion has time constraints, be mindful of it and ensure that you get a chance to speak. 

Stay Calm: If someone disagrees with you or the discussion gets heated, remain composed and avoid getting into an argument. 

Body Language: Maintain open and confident body language. Avoid crossing your arms, slouching, or fidgeting. 

Conclude the Discussion: If the GD has a concluding phase, summarize the key points and try to conclude the discussion with a clear and memorable statement. 

Don't Interrupt: Avoid interrupting others while they are speaking. Wait for your turn to speak and politely make an entry for yourself. 

Don't Be Overbearing: Being confident is good, but don't dominate the discussion. Give others a chance to express their opinions. 

Don't Use Filler Words: Avoid using excessive filler words like "uh," "um," "like," etc. It can make you appear less confident. 

Don't Be Negative: Avoid negative or derogatory language. Criticize ideas, not individuals. 

Don't Ramble: Stay on point and avoid going off-topic. Rambling can confuse others and dilute your message. 

Don't Use Jargon: Use simple and understandable language. Don't use technical jargon that others may not be familiar with. 

Don't Shout or Get Aggressive: Getting overly emotional or aggressive can be a turn-off. Stay composed. 

Don't Focus Only on Your Points: Acknowledge and respond to what others are saying. Engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas. 

Don't Repeat Yourself: Once you've made a point, don't keep repeating it. It's better to bring in new perspectives or ideas. 

Don't Lose Track of Time: If there's a time limit, be mindful of it. Avoid long-winded discussions that might lead to incomplete discussions.

By following these dos and don'ts, students can improve their performance in group discussions and increase their chances of success during campus placements. Remember that practice and feedback are key to refining your GD skills.


Monday 18 September 2023

The Crucial Role of Mock Interviews for MBA Students: Tips for Success

Mock interviews closely mimic real job interviews, creating a genuine interview environment.

The Crucial Role of Mock Interviews for
MBA Students: Tips for Success

Embarking on the journey of earning an MBA degree is an exciting and challenging endeavor. MBA programs are designed to prepare students for leadership roles in the business world, and success in this endeavor often hinges on one's ability to navigate the job interview process. This is where mock interviews come into play, serving as a valuable tool for MBA students.

Mock interviews provide a platform for MBA students to hone their interview skills. They provide
 a safe space to make mistakes and learn from them. During mock interviews, students receive constructive feedback to improve their performance. It's a chance for students to identify and address weaknesses before facing actual job interviews, increasing their chances of success. Mock interviews help students build confidence by allowing them to practice and refine their interview techniques.

Tips for Excelling in Mock Interviews

Research the Company: Just as you would before a real interview, thoroughly research the company you are interviewing with during a mock interview. Understand their values, culture, products, and recent news. This knowledge will help you tailor your responses to align with the company's objectives.

Practice Common Questions:
Anticipate common interview questions and rehearse your responses. Questions like "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want to work here?" and "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" are staples in interviews. Develop concise, well-structured answers.

Prepare STAR Stories:
Many interviewers ask behavioral questions that require candidates to share specific situations, actions taken, and results achieved (STAR). Prepare a few compelling STAR stories that demonstrate your skills and experiences relevant to the job.

Practice Non-Verbal Communication: Your body language, eye contact, and tone of voice play a significant role in interviews. Practice maintaining good posture, making eye contact, and speaking clearly and confidently.

Dress the Part: Dress professionally for mock interviews, just as you would for a real one. This helps you get into the right mindset and demonstrates your commitment to the process.

Time Management: Practice managing your time during interviews. Responses should be concise and to the point. Rambling or providing overly detailed answers can be detrimental.

Ask Questions: Be prepared to ask thoughtful questions about the company and role during the mock interview. This demonstrates your interest and engagement.

Handle Stress: Mock interviews are a great opportunity to practice stress management techniques. Deep breathing, visualization, and positive self-talk can help calm nerves.

Learn from Feedback: After each mock interview, carefully review the feedback provided by your interviewer. Identify areas for improvement and work on them in subsequent mock interviews.

Mock interviews are an indispensable part of an MBA student's journey toward securing a successful career. They offer a safe and constructive environment to develop and refine crucial interview skills. Through realistic experiences, feedback, and targeted preparation, MBA students can boost their confidence and competence in the job interview process.

By following the tips outlined here, MBA students can leverage mock interviews as a powerful tool to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that await them in the business world. So, seize every mock interview opportunity, practice diligently, and embark on your MBA journey with confidence and poise.


Wednesday 30 August 2023

Life Skills Workshops for the 12th Standard Students

We're delighted by the overwhelming response we received from both students and teachers.

Life Skills Workshops for the 
12th Standard Students

We're delighted by the overwhelming response we received from both students and teachers. The enthusiasm and eagerness to learn were truly inspiring!

Exciting Update from School for Life! 'School for Life' had the incredible opportunity to conduct two dynamic workshops for the 12th standard students on 'Time Management and Goal Setting for Success in Exams' at two prestigious international schools in New Delhi: Venkateshwar International School and St. Mary School. 

The workshops were interactive and engaging, filled with hands-on activities that allowed students to delve deep into effective time management strategies and the art of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. 

We're delighted by the overwhelming response we received from both students and teachers. The enthusiasm and eagerness to learn were truly inspiring! 

As a result, we're thrilled to announce that we've been invited to conduct more such workshops in the future! We look forward to continuing our mission of empowering students with essential life skills. 

A big shout-out to all the participants for their active involvement and to Venkateshwar International School and St. Mary School for welcoming us with open arms. 

Together, we're shaping a brighter path toward academic success! Stay tuned for more exciting updates from 'School for Life' on upcoming workshops and events!

#SchoolForLife #EmpoweringSuccess #TimeManagement #GoalSetting #EducationMatters #AcademicJourney #SuccessAhead


Monday 24 July 2023

Make Kindness The Norm

Being kind isn’t just awesome, it’s easy.

Make Kindness The Norm

As you can see, being kind isn’t just awesome, it’s easy. Kind acts and words don’t have to be dramatic to have a dramatic impact, and really brighten someone’s day. Kindness ideas and opportunities are all around us, we just have to have an open heart.

♥ Help someone look for a job.
♥ Hold the elevator door open for someone who is running late.
♥ Introduce a co-worker to a professional contact.
♥ Invite a new co-worker to lunch. 
♥ Join a kindness challenge.
♥ Leave a copy of your favorite book on a bus or train with a note in it.
♥ Leave a nice note on someone’s desk.
♥ Leave an inspirational note in a library book.
♥ Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep.
♥ Make a video to cheer someone up.
♥ Make someone a gratitude journal they can write in.
♥ Make someone a playlist.
♥ Organize a fun family reunion.
♥ Participate in a fundraiser.
♥ Pay for someone else’s coffee.
♥ Pick up trash on the beach or park.
♥ Plant a tree.
♥ Run or walk for a cause.
♥ Send an encouraging letter to someone who needs it.
♥ Send your boss an email about a co-worker’s hard work.
♥ Spend time with the elderly.
♥ Support local farmers and markets.
♥ Support someone’s charity or campaign.
♥ Surprise the office with donuts or cupcakes.
♥ Take someone to lunch.
♥ Talk to a manager about a great waiter/waitress.
♥ Volunteer at a local non profit.
♥Write a thank you letter to someone who has helped you out.
♥ Bake something and share with a group.
♥ Be a mentor for someone who needs it.
♥ Compliment someone.
♥ Donate your talents. Offer your photography or writing skills to a charity.
♥ Donate your work clothes to someone in need.


Saturday 17 June 2023

Manage Your Time Effectively!

Manage Your Time Effectively!

Effective time management requires practice and adaptability. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you, and be open to adjusting your approach as needed.

❇️ Set Clear Goals: Start by outlining your short- and long-term objectives. You can better prioritize your duties and manage your time as a result. Ensure that your objectives are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

❇️ Prioritize Tasks: Create a list of the jobs that must be completed in order of importance and urgency. You can concentrate your time and effort on tasks that will have the biggest impact by setting priorities. To efficiently classify tasks, use methods like Eisenhower's Urgent-Important Matrix.

❇️ Create a Schedule: Develop a daily or weekly calendar with time slots set up for various tasks. Set out specified times for work, meetings, breaks, leisure pursuits, and personal time. Consider the time needed for each work realistically, and refrain from taking on more than you can handle.

❇️ Avoid Procrastination: Productivity can be severely decreased by procrastination. Start with the most difficult or disagreeable jobs and break them down into smaller, more achievable steps. To stay focused and avoid procrastination, utilize strategies like the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused bursts with brief breaks).

❇️ Minimize Distractions: Determine your sources of distraction and take steps to reduce them. Find a quiet workspace, turn off notifications on your phone or computer, and let others know when you need undisturbed time. Use time-management tools like productivity apps or browser extensions that block distracting websites.

❇️ Delegate and Outsource: If at all possible, assign jobs that can be done by others or think about outsourcing less important duties. This frees up your time so that you can concentrate on important duties and projects that call for your knowledge. Delegation offers chances to improve one's abilities.

❇️ Take Breaks and Maintain Balance: You can stay alert and keep focus throughout the day by taking frequent breaks. Include brief rest periods, physical activity, and relaxation strategies in your agenda. Additionally, keep in mind to schedule time for hobbies, family, and self-care activities in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance. 


Sunday 28 May 2023

Life Skills - A Gateway to Happiness

Life Skills - A Gateway to Happiness

My chapter in the recently published book 'Life Skills - A Gateway to Happiness' studies, explores and analyzes the challenges we face in today’s world and how life skills trainings and education help us deal with them effectively.

In today’s highly competitive world, we are facing many social, emotional, and psychological challenges. Youth is facing struggle and competition at almost every level more than ever before. Furthermore, rise of digital technologies and social media has also added extra pressure on the young generation. 

And this affects all areas of their lives: education, friendship, job, relationship and so on. The most pertinent question is how we can help them become competent enough to deal with such pressing challenges. 

WHO (World Health Organization) defines life skills as the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Life skills development helps youth build confidence, develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress, regulate their emotions and improve relationships with others. 

UNISEF suggests that through life skills education, young generations are equipped with foundational skills necessary for transitioning to productive adulthood; learn to deal with difficult emotions; practice positivism; find balance between priorities and demands; solve problems; think critically and creatively; and learn to bounce back from adversity.

Studies have shown that life skills education is effective in preventing a wide range of issues such as substance abuse, mental health, bullying etc. and to promote self-awareness and self-esteem. According to the World Bank report ‘Strengthening Life Skills for Youth’, “Life skills development can make a difference in the lives of youth and help them to become productive and engaged members of their families, communities, and countries”. 

note: My chapter in the recently published book 'Life Skills - A Gateway to Happiness' studies, explores and analyzes the challenges we face in today’s world and how life skills trainings and education help us deal with them effectively. If you're interested in reading the book or my chapter specifically, it's available for purchase on Amazon. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback!

Book Title: Life Skills - A Gateway to Happiness

ISBN: 978-93-5605-088-4

Publisher: My Authors Hub

Find below the link for the book here: 


Sunday 30 April 2023

Developing 21st-Century Skills Crucial for the Success of Young People

Developing 21st-century skills is crucial for the success of young people in the modern world.

Developing 21st-Century Skills
Crucial for the Success of Young People

Developing 21st-century skills is crucial for the success of young people in the modern world. The skills listed below can help individuals to thrive in their personal and professional lives and prepare them for the challenges of the future.

✔ Collaboration is a crucial 21st-century skill: According to a report by the World Economic Forum, collaboration is one of the top skills required in the 21st century workforce. Collaborative skills help individuals to work effectively in teams and build better relationships with their colleagues. (Reference: World Economic Forum. (2016). The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.)

✔ Creativity is essential in the modern world: With the rise of the creative economy, creativity has become one of the most important skills for young people to develop. According to a report by Adobe, 78% of educators believe that creativity is a skill that will be important for success in the future. (Reference: Adobe. (2018). Creative Problem Solving in Schools: Essential Skills Today’s Students Need for Jobs in Tomorrow’s Age of Automation.)

✔ Critical thinking is a key skill for the 21st century: Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. According to a report by the National Education Association, critical thinking is one of the most important skills for young people to develop in the 21st century. (Reference: National Education Association. (n.d.). Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society: An Educator’s Guide to the “Four Cs”.)

✔ Communication skills are essential for success: Effective communication is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. According to a report by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, communication is one of the top skills required in the 21st century workforce. (Reference: Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). The Importance of Communication in the 21st Century.)

✔ Adaptability and flexibility are important skills for the future: With the pace of change accelerating, young people need to be adaptable and flexible to succeed in the 21st century. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, adaptability and flexibility are two of the top skills required for success in the future. (Reference: World Economic Forum. (2018). The Future of Jobs Report 2018.)

✔ Entrepreneurship is a valuable skill: In the 21st century, entrepreneurship has become an essential skill for young people. According to a report by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 27 million working-age Americans are starting or running new businesses, and 55% of them are under the age of 50. (Reference: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. (2016). GEM 2016/2017 Global Report.)

The 21st century workforce requires a range of skills to succeed in the modern world. Collaboration is essential to work effectively in teams and build relationships. Reports by the World Economic Forum, Adobe, National Education Association, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor highlight these skills' importance.


Saturday 25 March 2023

On Being Employable and Industry-ready

image source: Employability Skills Framework, U.S. Department of Education

On Being Employable and Industry-ready

Here are 10 activities that higher education students can engage in to become more employable and industry-ready.

Here are 10 activities that higher education students can engage in to become more employable and industry-ready:

(1) Internships: Internships and exposure to the workplace, can help students develop industry-specific skills, gain practical knowledge, and make connections that can help them find employment after graduation.

(2) Joining student organizations: Joining student organizations related to their field of study can help students develop skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication, and provide opportunities to network with professionals in their field.

(3) Attending career fairs and networking events: Career fairs and networking events provide opportunities for students to meet with potential employers, learn about job opportunities, and make connections that could lead to future employment.

(4) Participating in research projects: Research projects can help students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and hands-on experience in their field. They can also provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty and industry professionals.

(5) Taking industry-relevant courses: Students can take courses that are relevant to their desired career field to develop industry-specific skills and knowledge.

(6) Building a strong online presence: Students can create a strong online presence by developing a professional website or social media accounts related to their field of study. They can also use online platforms to connect with professionals in their industry.

(7) Attending workshops and conferences: Workshops and conferences can provide opportunities for students to learn about new developments in their field, gain insights from experts in their industry, and develop their professional skills.

(8) Volunteering: Volunteering can help students develop transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership, and can also provide opportunities to network and gain exposure to potential employers.

(9) Developing soft skills (=life skills): Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are highly valued by employers. Students can develop these skills through extracurricular activities, volunteer work, training sessions, and coursework.

(10) Seeking out mentorship: Students can seek out mentorship from faculty members, industry professionals, or alumni to gain insights into their desired career field and receive guidance and advice on how to succeed in their profession.


Friday 17 February 2023

Office Etiquette for Beginners

 Office etiquette that can help maintain a professional and respectful workenvironment.

Office Etiquette for Beginners

By following these guidelines, you can create a positive and productive work environment for everyone in the office. 

Here are 9 crucial office etiquette that can help maintain a professional and respectful workenvironment:

✓ Be punctual: Arriving on time shows respect for others and sets a positive tone for the workday.

✓ Dress appropriately: The way you dress can affect others' opinions of you, so it's important to follow the dress code if there is one.

✓ Be polite and respectful: Use please and thank you, avoid interrupting others, and avoid using offensive language or gestures.

✓ Be a good communicator: Be clear and concise in your communication and actively listen to others.

✓ Avoid distractions: Keep your phone on silent and step away from your desk to take calls or attend to personal matters to avoid disturbing others.

✓ Be organized: Keep your workspace tidy and organized, and make sure to return any borrowed items promptly.

✓ Respect others' privacy: Avoid accessing or sharing confidential information without proper authorization.

✓ Take responsibility: Own up to your mistakes and take the initiative to solve problems, rather than blaming others.

✓ Be a positive influence: Encourage and support your colleagues, and avoid gossip or negative talk that can harm morale.

By following these guidelines, you can create a positive and productive work environment for everyone in the office.


Wednesday 8 February 2023

Life Skills Training & Student Community

Image Courtesy: International Youth Foundation

Life Skills Training & Student Community

Here are 9 pointers why life skills training is of crucial value for student community.

The challenges children and young people regularly face are many, and require more than even the best numeracy and literacy skills. That is why 164 nations, under the UNESCO, include life skills as a basic learning need for all young people.

Here are 9 pointers why life skills training is of crucial value for student community:

✔️ Improved self-awareness: Life skills training can help students understand their strengths, weaknesses, and overall personality, allowing them to make better decisions in their personal and academic lives.

✔️ Effective communication: Good communication skills are essential for success in both personal and professional settings, and life skills training can help students develop these skills.

✔️ Time management: Life skills training can help students learn how to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively, leading to better academic performance and reduced stress.

✔️ Critical thinking and problem-solving: By learning these skills, students can tackle complex issues and make informed decisions in their personal and academic lives.

✔️ Resilience: Life skills training can help students develop resilience, which is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success in the face of adversity.

✔️ Stress management: Stress is a common issue for students, and life skills training can provide students with strategies for managing stress effectively.

✔️ Interpersonal skills: Good interpersonal skills are essential for building strong relationships with others, and life skills training can help students develop these skills.

✔️ Career readiness: Life skills training can help students gain a better understanding of their strengths and interests, allowing them to make informed career decisions.

✔️ Improved mental health: Life skills training can help students develop healthy habits and coping mechanisms, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.


Tuesday 24 January 2023

9 Best Ways to Become Confident

The more confident you grow, the easier it will be for you to silence the voice inside that tells you, "I can't do it."

Almost every aspect of a successful and satisfying life is connected to one's level of self-confidence. The more confident you grow, the easier it will be for you to silence the voice inside that tells you, "I can't do it." 

Here are 9 best ways to become confident:

✔️ Set and achieve small goals: Setting and achieving small goals can help build self-confidence by providing a sense of accomplishment.

✔️ Practice self-care: Taking care of oneself, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising, can help boost self-confidence.

✔️ Surround yourself with positive people: Being around people who are supportive and encouraging can help boost self-confidence.

✔️ Learn to accept compliments: Accepting compliments gracefully can help build self-confidence by reinforcing positive self-perception.

✔️ Speak up and express yourself: Speaking up and expressing oneself can help build self-confidence by allowing others to see one's thoughts and ideas.

✔️ Learn from mistakes: Learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them can help build self-confidence by teaching us to be resilient.

✔️ Try new things: Trying new things can help build self-confidence by expanding one's skills and experiences.

✔️ Practice assertiveness: Being assertive can help build self-confidence by allowing us to stand up for ourselves and assert our needs.

✔️ Don't compare yourself to others: Comparing oneself to others can be detrimental to self-confidence. Instead, focus on your own progress and accomplishments. 
“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” ― Roy T. Bennett
