Saturday 7 December 2013



“An Interview means a face to face interaction between the interviewer and the candidate/candidates so as to obtain desired information from him/them. Interviews generally need proper preparation. Interviews have a definite structure. Clear communication should take place during an interview. All interviews have a definite purpose familiar to the interviewer and the candidate/interviewee. An interview is to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment.”
A Job Interview is the most intense and dynamic communication that we ever encounter in our life. This Process is a kind of Oral Communication Test with all the variations to determine various personal traits like;
a. Communication Abilities b. Attitudes c. Behaviour d. Personal Qualities e. Character Traits

Purpose/ Goal/ Importance
During the Interview the Employer will be assessing you in the following areas:
  • Your Ability to do the Job – Can You apply Your Education, Experience, and Training, to the Workplace.
  • Your Work Ethic– What motivates You to take Initiative and work hard; How have You demonstrated Leadership Capabilities.
  • Your Ability to ‘fit’ with their Organization – how well do You work with others as a Team
Types of Interview
A. Traditional One on One Job Interview
  • The traditional one on one interview is where you are interviewed by one representative of the company, most likely the manager of the position you are applying for.
  • Because you will be working with this person directly if you get the job, he/she will want to get a feel for who you are and if your skills match those of the job requirements.
  • You may be asked questions about the experience on your resume, what you can offer to the company or position.
  • The one on one interview is by far, one of the most common types of job interviews.
 B. Structured Interview
  • Structured interview is also called Standardised/ Patterned/ Directed/ Guided Interview.
  • Structured interviews are preplanned. Here, every single detail of the interview is decided in advance.
  • The questions to be asked, the order in which the questions will be asked, the time given to each candidate, etc. is all decided in advance.
  • They are accurate and precise. All the interviews will be uniform (same). Therefore, there will be consistency and minimum bias in structured interviews.
 C. Unstructured Interview
  • This interview is not planned in detail. Hence it is also called as Non-Directed interview.
  • The questions to be asked, the information to be collected from the candidates, etc. are not decided in advance.
  • These interviews are non-planned and therefore, more flexible. Candidates are more relaxed in such interviews.
  • Candidates are encouraged to express themselves about different subjects, based on their expectations, motivations, background, interests, etc.
  • However, if the interviewer is not efficient then the discussions may lose direction and the interview will be a waste of time and effort.

 [to be continued...]

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