Friday 27 December 2019

How to Present Like A PRO?

Presentation is a skill that can be mastered with careful preparedness.  
How to Present Like A PRO?
While there is no denying the fact that public speaking may not be an easy task, a little planning can definitely make things easier. 

Developing and delivering effective presentations is critical for corporate success. When it comes to addressing even a small crowd or making a presentation in front of a small group, most of us get anxious. It is a skill that can be mastered with careful preparedness.  

Here are 12 quick-tips for you to present like a PRO in your next presentation, 
  1. Start planning well in advance. No matter how confident you think you are, it’s always better to start preparing well in advance. The earlier you start preparing, the better it is. 

  2. Apart from the content, your planning would include everything from visuals - posters, charts, PowerPoint presentation, etc – to your speech, appearance and body language. 

  3. According to studies conducted, visuals are the most effective medium of communication because the brain absorbs visual data much faster than any other source of information. So your visual will be your trump card. 

  4. Don't overload your presentation with information. Keep the visuals as simple as possible. Get creative and use minimal images and words, but ensure that you convey your message effectively. 

  5. Start working on your speech. It’s best to write it down and practice. Ensure that you are not getting monotonous and include occasional momentary relief by adding humor to your speech.
    Ensure that you are not getting monotonous and include occasional momentary relief by adding humor to your speech. 
  6. Speak about only those points that you think needs to be presented. The less important points can be shared through handouts, etc. Write down your points and keep it ready for easy referral. 

  7. Apart from the content, your speech preparation should include voice modulation and pronunciation as well. Recording yourself and listening to it will give you an idea of where you falter. 

  8. It’s important to keep your session alive and your audience awake. So ensure that you do not sound mechanical. It’s advisable to make the speech as conversational as possible by including your audience in it. 

  9. It’s important to talk ‘to’ your audience. Maintain eye contact and avoid using fillers like ‘eeh’, ‘uhm’, ‘aah’, etc. All this requires a lot of practice. It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.

  10. Be presentable; show your confident personality. Your body language is perhaps the first thing your audience is likely to notice. So work on it.
    Think from your audience’s perspective and try to find ways of improving.
  11. Think from your audience’s perspective and try to find ways of improving. Appear confident. Rather than standing in one place, walk around. However, do not indulge in brisk walking.

  12. Check and re-check your preparation. Watch what you say. Use pauses and speak slowly. In case of an unwarranted situation, do not panic; handle it with tact.
Have a great presentation!


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