Monday 14 October 2013



“Self-Esteem is an expression of your perceptions about yourself and the reaction and response of others to you as an individual. Self-esteem refers to the way we see and think about ourselves.” We all have a mental picture of  who we are, how we look, what we're good at, and what our weaknesses might be. This mental picture contributes to our Self-esteem. Self-esteem is about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted, and thought well of by others and how much we value, love, and accept ourselves.

Self-Esteem: How Do You See Yourself?

“Your self-esteem is made up of all the experiences and interpersonal relationships you’ve had in your life. Everyone you’ve ever met has added to or taken away from how you see yourself!” Your self esteem depends on many questions:
  • How do you see yourself (your self image)?
  • How do you feel about your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What do you think of your social status?
  • How do you relate to others?
Benefits of High Self-Esteem
  • Quality Relationships
  • Success in Personal & Professional Life
  • Social Effectiveness
  • Positive Attitude
  • Confidence
Characteristics of High Self Esteem
  1. They express their opinion confidently.
  2. They are not afraid to talk to other people.
  3. They like to initiate & carry out new tasks. 
  4. They don’t worry about how others will judge them.
  5. They have the courage to express themselves.
  6. Their lives are enriched with new encounters & experiences.
  7. They are nicer to be around.
  8. Their ideas are met with interest because others want to hear what they have to say.
  9. They are magnets to positive opportunities! 
  10. They like to meet new people.
 (to be continued...)